Author: Hussain

  • Top Django Interview Questions

    Top Django Interview Questions

    Top 25 Django Interview Questions A list of top frequently asked Django interview questions and answers are given below. 1) Explain Django. Django is a Python-based web application framework that is free and open source. It’s a server-side web framework for building secure and maintainable websites quickly. 2) What does Django mean? Django is named after Django…

  • How to write Pandas DataFrame to CSV File

    Pandas is a great tool for working with CSV files. I’ll show you how to write a Pandas DataFrame to a.csv file in Python in this post. To write a Pandas DataFrame to a .csv file, you need to use the to_csv() method. Writing a DataFrame to a .csv file Below is an example on how to…

  • Django vs Flask: Which Framework to choose?

    Django vs Flask: Which Framework to choose?

    Do you want to know which framework, Flask or Django, is superior for web development? Many Python-based web frameworks make it easy for developers to quickly create scalable apps. These frameworks can handle everything from simple to sophisticated websites. Django versus Flask is the most talked-about of the numerous popular options, and for good reason:…

  • Extremely Fast Python Web Scraping

    Extremely Fast Python Web Scraping

    A web scraper is a tool that extracts structured data from a website. Using BeautifulSoup, requests, and other Python modules, you may create an efficient web scraper. These solutions, however, are not rapid enough. In this essay, I’ll show you how to use Python to create a super fast web scraper. Don’t use BeautifulSoup4 BeautifulSoup4…

  • Implement Dropdown Menu In Flutter

    Implement Dropdown Menu In Flutter

    In Flutter, a Dropdown allows app users to select an item from a drop-down menu. This widget will display the selected item as a drop-down button and icon, indicating that the user has a selection of options to choose from. We will learn how to implement a dropdown list in Flutter during this tutorial. How…

  • The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 9.0 to 14.1

    When I was trying to start my flutter app, the following problem appeared in my stack track. The iOS Simulator deployment objectives are set to 8.0, however flutter supports deployment targets from 9.0 to 14.1 for this platform. So, today, I’ve compiled a list of all viable solutions to this problem. I’ll try to provide…

  • How To: Use Bootstrap 4 In Django

    How To: Use Bootstrap 4 In Django

    Django is an extremely capable backend framework. If it doesn’t look good, a functional website isn’t very useful. Users will determine the value of your website based upon it’s aesthetics. As a result, it is critical that the website’s UI and User Experience are excellent in order for you to increase traffic. Django is a…

  • Guide to MVT In Django | Django Project Structure

    Guide to MVT In Django | Django Project Structure

    The MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture is used by Django. MVT is a web application development software design pattern. Their are three parts to the MVT Structure Model: The model is going to be the interface through which data can be obtained for the Django Application. A model is a logical data structure used by Django to represent…

  • 10 Tips To Improve Django Website Performance

    10 Tips To Improve Django Website Performance

    After years of working with Django, I’d like to share some tools and techniques for optimising Django frameworks performance, and identify bottlenecks holding your Django application hostage. So, because performance is a hot topic, let’s talk about how to make Django run quicker and better. Deploy your app using nginx + uWsgi/gunicorn. Use a CDN…