Category: Django

  • How To Send Email In Django

    How To Send Email In Django

    Beginner Guide To Sending Emails using Django & SMTP In this article, we’ll take a look at how to setup Django to send email using SMTP. It’s quite simple to send emails using Django. I’ll walk you through the procedures in this brief tutorial so you can set up your Django application, and start sending…

  • Setup environment variables in Django

    Setup environment variables in Django

    In this article, we’ll take a look at how to setup our Django project to utilize environment variables. Hence, our Django application can use environment variables to retrieve sensitive information that it requires for correct operation such as SECRET_KEY. Simply explained, environment variables are a collection of dynamically named values that are kept in the…

  • How To: Deploy Django using Docker & MySQL

    How To: Deploy Django using Docker & MySQL

    During the setup of MySQL with Django using Docker, I ran into few issues. As a result, I decided to write this article to help people trying to figure out on how to deploy a Django app using Docker and MySQL. MySQL is a relational database management system that is free and open-source. “My” is…

  • The Basics Of Django Web Development Framework

    The Basics Of Django Web Development Framework

    Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and simple, practical design. Django allows you to create better web apps faster and with less code. In this article, we will be taking a look at the basics of Django and it’s history. The Django Software Foundation owns the trademark Django, which is…

  • How To: Serve Django Static Files and Templates

    How To: Serve Django Static Files and Templates

    CSS, JavaScript, and typefaces are all essential components of any modern online application. Django offers a lot of flexibility in terms of how these files are used, but this might be confusing for newbies. The Django web server will provide static files for local development, and only little configuration is necessary. The external package WhiteNoise,…

  • Basic Django Database Queries

    Basic Django Database Queries

    In this article, we will take a look at basic Django database queries, throughout the tutorial I’ll provide you with helpful code examples that will aid your learning about basic Django database queries. Django ORM is a strong abstraction that allows you to store and retrieve data from a database without having to write your…

  • How To Reset Django Database

    How To Reset Django Database

    When working with databases, we frequently find ourselves in circumstances where we must completely reset the database. The database may have been loaded with too much useless data as a result of the addition or removal of some database tables, changes in the database design, logic and relationship concerns, or the database was populated with…

  • Top Django Interview Questions

    Top Django Interview Questions

    Top 25 Django Interview Questions A list of top frequently asked Django interview questions and answers are given below. 1) Explain Django. Django is a Python-based web application framework that is free and open source. It’s a server-side web framework for building secure and maintainable websites quickly. 2) What does Django mean? Django is named after Django…

  • Django vs Flask: Which Framework to choose?

    Django vs Flask: Which Framework to choose?

    Do you want to know which framework, Flask or Django, is superior for web development? Many Python-based web frameworks make it easy for developers to quickly create scalable apps. These frameworks can handle everything from simple to sophisticated websites. Django versus Flask is the most talked-about of the numerous popular options, and for good reason:…