• How To: Deploy Django using Docker & MySQL

    How To: Deploy Django using Docker & MySQL

    During the setup of MySQL with Django using Docker, I ran into few issues. As a result, I decided to write this article to help people trying to figure out on how to deploy a Django app using Docker and MySQL. MySQL is a relational database management system that is free and open-source. “My” is…

  • Python Sleep Introduction

    Python Sleep Introduction

    Have you ever needed to wait for something in your Python program? You want your code to run as rapidly as possible most of the time. However, there are occasions when putting your code to sleep is in your best interests. To mimic a delay in your software, for example, you may use the Python…

  • Flutter Unit Testing Using Mockito

    Flutter Unit Testing Using Mockito

    When writing a unit test for a function, you may wish to mock or stub the results of other functions called from the test function. This post demonstrates how to use Mockito to write a unit test for a Flutter application (or any other Dart-based application). Importing Mockito Into Flutter Project This tutorial makes use…

  • Upload Files In Google Drive Using Flutter

    Upload Files In Google Drive Using Flutter

    We’ll learn how to incorporate Google Drive into the Flutter app in this tutorial. We’ll learn how to use Flutter to upload, list, and download files to Google Drive. For authentication, I used Google Plus, and then I went to Google Drive. I looked into the Google Drive API, but ultimately decided that this method…

  • The Basics Of Django Web Development Framework

    The Basics Of Django Web Development Framework

    Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and simple, practical design. Django allows you to create better web apps faster and with less code. In this article, we will be taking a look at the basics of Django and it’s history. The Django Software Foundation owns the trademark Django, which is…

  • How To: Serve Django Static Files and Templates

    How To: Serve Django Static Files and Templates

    CSS, JavaScript, and typefaces are all essential components of any modern online application. Django offers a lot of flexibility in terms of how these files are used, but this might be confusing for newbies. The Django web server will provide static files for local development, and only little configuration is necessary. The external package WhiteNoise,…

  • Run Code After Some Delay in Flutter?

    Run Code After Some Delay in Flutter?

    In this article, we’ll look at how to run code in flutter after a delay. I’ve compiled a list of all viable solutions to this problem. Sometimes, it’s very important in app development to execute code after some time. Hopefully, this article will help you solve that problem. I’ll provide you all of the options…

  • Working With DateTime in Flutter

    Working With DateTime in Flutter

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to format DateTime in Flutter. So, without further ado, let’s get started with this tutorial. First and foremost, we require the Intl package. Add this to your pubspec.yaml file, then get the dependency and import it into your dart program. How To Get Current Date In…

  • Flutter Framework: How Does It Work?

    Flutter Framework: How Does It Work?

    Introduction: Fundamentals Of Flutter Framework Flutter was first released by Google in May of 2017. It’s a framework for developing apps for smartphones and other mobile devices that’s quick and safe. Flutter offers useful services for developing quick apps. It has proven to be a paradigm of open development. In comparison to previous frameworks, Flutter…