Tag: learn

  • How To Send Email In Django

    How To Send Email In Django

    Beginner Guide To Sending Emails using Django & SMTP In this article, we’ll take a look at how to setup Django to send email using SMTP. It’s quite simple to send emails using Django. I’ll walk you through the procedures in this brief tutorial so you can set up your Django application, and start sending…

  • Setup environment variables in Django

    Setup environment variables in Django

    In this article, we’ll take a look at how to setup our Django project to utilize environment variables. Hence, our Django application can use environment variables to retrieve sensitive information that it requires for correct operation such as SECRET_KEY. Simply explained, environment variables are a collection of dynamically named values that are kept in the…

  • Sort Lists Dart & Flutter: 5 Sort Examples Dart

    Sort Lists Dart & Flutter: 5 Sort Examples Dart

    In this article we’ll take a look at how to sort lists in Dart (and Flutter as well) in this post, which is a typical activity that you’ll encounter in the vast majority of your projects. The examples are arranged in order of difficulty, from simple to sophisticated, and cover the majority of real-life circumstances.…

  • Flutter State Management Using Provider

    Flutter State Management Using Provider

    My first Flutter project would have been a lot better if I had a solid state management solution implemented for my Flutter app. Choosing the best technology for state management , would have made my life far more easier. So in this article we’ll be taking a look at how to manage state with the…

  • How To: Load Asset Files Into Flutter

    How To: Load Asset Files Into Flutter

    How to Solve Unable To Load Asset In Flutter? In this article, we will take a look at how to load asset In Flutter. Both code and assets may be included in Flutter apps (sometimes called resources). The problem “Unable to load assets In Flutter” appears from time to time in Flutter. So, in this…

  • How To: Colorize Flutter Debug Console Logs

    How To: Colorize Flutter Debug Console Logs

    In this article, we will be taking a look at how to colorize Flutter debug log statements using the dart:developer package. Fixing issues and building apps with Flutter is more interesting and pleasant when messages are logged in multiple colors. This post will demonstrate how to accomplish this without the need of any third-party plugins.…

  • Dart: Convert/Parse JSON String, Array into List/Object

    Dart: Convert/Parse JSON String, Array into List/Object

    Convert JSON String or Array into List or Object in Dart/Flutter In this Dart/Flutter lesson, we’re going look at how to convert/parse JSON text into Object, Nested Object, how to parse JSON array, array of JSON items into List. Finally, complicated JSON may be parsed into Nested Objects (that also contains array as a field).…

  • Introduction To Null Safety In Dart

    Introduction To Null Safety In Dart

    What is Dart Null Safety? In basic terms, null safety in dart means that a variable cannot have a ‘null’ value unless it was started with null. All runtime null-dereference problems will now be shown at compile time, thanks to null safety. Dart Null Safety Code Example We constructed a class in the preceding dart…

  • Python Sleep Introduction

    Python Sleep Introduction

    Have you ever needed to wait for something in your Python program? You want your code to run as rapidly as possible most of the time. However, there are occasions when putting your code to sleep is in your best interests. To mimic a delay in your software, for example, you may use the Python…

  • Flutter Unit Testing Using Mockito

    Flutter Unit Testing Using Mockito

    When writing a unit test for a function, you may wish to mock or stub the results of other functions called from the test function. This post demonstrates how to use Mockito to write a unit test for a Flutter application (or any other Dart-based application). Importing Mockito Into Flutter Project This tutorial makes use…