Tag: list

  • Dart: Convert/Parse JSON String, Array into List/Object

    Dart: Convert/Parse JSON String, Array into List/Object

    Convert JSON String or Array into List or Object in Dart/Flutter In this Dart/Flutter lesson, we’re going look at how to convert/parse JSON text into Object, Nested Object, how to parse JSON array, array of JSON items into List. Finally, complicated JSON may be parsed into Nested Objects (that also contains array as a field).…

  • Python List and Tuples Cheat Sheet

    Python List and Tuples Cheat Sheet

    Python’s most versatile and useful data types are lists and tuples. They can be found in almost every Python program that isn’t trivial. This cheat sheet will teach you the following: You’ll learn about the key differences between lists and tuples. You’ll discover how to define them and manipulate them. You should have a good…